About Us

The mission of WVONL is to shape health care in West Virginia through innovation, expert leadership, and collaborative partnerships. Our vision is simple: one voice advancing health.

What we do

The West Virginia Organization for Nursing Leadership exists to advocate for the profession of nursing and the future of healthcare. We provide a vision for nursing leadership and offer members support, leadership, and educational and professional development. We also work to influence important legislation and public policies surrounding the nursing field and patient care issues. Since 1975, we’ve been committed to improving patient care within our organizations and communities and working hard to meet the healthcare needs of our state.

WVONL History

The West Virginia Planning Commission recognized the need for development of effective administration in Nursing Services in West Virginia Hospitals. They organized an Institutional Nursing Practice Task Force to study the issue.
January 8, 1975
Frances K. Gracy, RN, Director of Nursing at Camden Clark Hospital, wrote a letter to some of her colleagues around the state, suggesting the development of a state chapter that would eventually seek affiliation with the existing national organization called The American Society for Hospital Nursing Administrators.
January 8, 1975
January 24, 1975
A meeting was held on January 24, 1975; and, out of this gathering of ten people, the seed for a formalized network of nursing leaders in West Virginia was planted.
January 24, 1975
February 21, 1975
An invitation was sent to all Nursing Directors in West Virginia to attend the next meeting that was held on February 21, 1975, again at Camden Clark. Twelve nursing leaders attended this meeting. At this group, the members agreed to rotate the chair and meeting places of this fledgling organization.
February 21, 1975
March 10, 1975
The next meeting was held March 10, 1975 at Fairmont General with Audrey Windemuth presiding. Twenty-two nursing leaders attended this meeting. At the time, the by-laws and activity and membership guidelines were formalized. It was also decided to seek the formal endorsement of the West Virginia Hospital Association.
March 10, 1975
April 25, 1975
The next meeting was held at Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC). Twenty-four leaders attended this meeting. Karen Elliott presided and the by-laws were adopted and membership opened to all Director of Nurses and Assistant Director of Nurses to attend. Letters were written to WVHA, American Society of Nursing Service Administrators, WVNA, WVLN and the West Virginia Planning Commission notifying them of the formation of the new West Virginia Society of Nursing Service Administrators.
April 25, 1975
May 8, 1975
By the May 8th, 1975 meeting, a Needs Assessment of current concerns was sent to all Director of Nurses in the state. At this meeting, Antialee Gartletts, DON of Fairmont General was named the temporary Chairperson for the new society, temporary secretary was Betty Marie Neilon from Clarksburg Veterans Hospital, and Paul Cory, DON of Thomas Memorial Hospital.
May 8, 1975
July 1, 1975
The new society was formally endorsed by the West Virginia Hospital Association There were 37 Charter Members.
July 1, 1975
November 1976
The organization's first newsletter was released.
November 1976
Began formal affiliation with American Society of Hospital Nursing Service Administrators
The organization's name was changed to WVONE.
The first membership directory was developed.